• The Story of Purple Dog

    The meaning of the name and what we're about

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    Worldwide bestselling author, renowned public speaker, and entrepreneur Seth Godin writes in one of his books, "Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable," about a vacation he took with his family in France. When they first started their drive through the countryside the group saw a majestic cow in a picturesque field. They saw another shortly after that, followed by more and more. By the time they had covered quite a few kilometers, seeing cows wasn't just commonplace, it was boring.
    But what if they had seen a purple cow out in the field with all the others? Now THAT would be interesting. THAT would be something they would stop for and take pictures to show their friends and share on social media.
    This means you have to toss out everything you know and do something "remarkable" (the way a purple cow in a field of plain white cows would be remarkable) to have any effect at all. Therefore it is solid and timely advice to 1) be outrageous, 2) tell the truth, 3) test the limits and 4) never settle for just "very good."
    I have a long history with rescue dogs, so "Purple Dog" became the brand I created to bring you bold critical thinking for the 21st century.

  • History

    A timeline of events

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    October 2014

    The Journey Begins

    Paperwork is filed with the Florida Department of State and Purple Dog Animal Sanctuary is officially on the path to making a difference.

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    January 2015

    A Non-Profit is Born

    Purple Dog Animal Sanctuary becomes officially incorporated as a non-profit organization in Florida.

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    July 2015

    Public Charity Status Achieved

    The IRS deems Purple Dog Animal Sanctuary a 501(c)(3) public charity.

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    Present Day

    Upward and Onward

    Purple Dog Animal Sanctuary continues to help animals, encourage environmental responsibility, and promote creativity.

  • All About Purple Dog Animal Sanctuary

    8 minutes to get completely caught up